Our office is located at 1580 Port Drive, Burlington Washington 98233

About us
We are a team of professionals and high performers passionately committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Nothline Surveying Inc. is a place where mastery is always in the mission.
As high performers and strivers we innately take responsibility and pride in our quality of service. Our purpose is our mission, and we are serious about the impact of the value we create and provide. We respect ourselves, our co-workers, and our clients. We embrace the struggle that comes with the challenge knowing that our mission for mastery will require hard work and we meet those challenges with a “Whatever it Takes” mentality. We are resilient and always confident in our capability to learn and grow as professionals and individuals in our efforts to better serv our clients and our team. Please take a few moments to get to know our valuable staff members.
NLS is commited to providing the highest quality of professional service and care. Our highly skilled employees have extensive experience in the field of professional and construction surveying as well as inovative industry technologies. Our staff members are talented energetic professional who are passionate abuot what we do and how we do it. At NLS we maintain an expectation of integrity and pride in the services we provide to our clients and the relationships we have with them. Please take a few minutes to get to know each of our valuable staff members.
Brian Gullikson, President