Brian A. Gullikson - PLS #22037806
President, DLS

About Brian
Brian Gullikson has extensive experience and knowledge in the execution and management of construction, boundary, and topographic surveying. He is skilled in the methods, procedures, and processes of all types of land and construction surveying. Mr. Gullikson has performed for over 18 years as a surveyor in every nature of the industry including heavy civil/structural construction, tunneling, multi-level/sub-surface building construction, DNR/ & BLM surveys, topographic mapping, boundary mapping, platting, digital scanning and modeling, and sUAS drone surveys.
Notable Project Experience
Bangor-Keyport Force Main Replacement; Kitsap County, Rodarte Construction, Inc.
Mr. Gullikson is the Professional Land Surveyor and Senior Project Manager for this project, currently under construction, which consists of approximately 5.7 miles of sanitary sewer force main, approximately 5.7 miles of existing conditions survey and mapping, roadway staking, and monument re-establishment.
Judy Reservoir to Mount Vernon Transmission Pipeline; Skagit PUD; Scarsella Bros, Inc.
Mr. Gullikson is the Professional Land Surveyor and Senior Project Manager for this project, currently under construction, which consists of approximately 5.3 miles of 36' water transmission line and fiber optic line. Other work performed under this project includes surveys for directional drilling, remediation of existing conditions, bridge crossings, in water work, slope staking, trail construction, wetland/sensitive area surveys, settlement monitoring, and other surveys and staking as requested by the client in support of construction of the project.
I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Phase 1C & 2A: Snowshed to Stampede Pass, Snoqualmie WA (WSDOT)
GCCM: Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed and executed all aspects of survey on this project. He calculated 3D data from design information, analyzed constructability of design information, worked closely with GCCM to resolve design conflicts, prepared and submitted reports and RFI's to owner/engineer. He then carried out the work by placing staking, as requested by the contractor, for construction of all design features. This project consisted of 2 miles of new EB and WB roadway/bridge construction, complete utility infrastructure replacement/improvement, roadway infrastructure demo and replacement, 8 pre-cast concrete girder bridge structures, grading/blasting of major slopes near riparian, culvert construction and upstream/downstream channel restoration of creek crossings.
Holgate to King St Phase 3 (WSDOT)
GCCM: Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed and executed all aspects of survey on this project. He calculated 3D data from design information, analyzed constructability of design information, worked closely with GCCM to resolve design conflicts, prepared and submitted reports and RFI's to owner/engineer. He then carried out the work by placing staking, as requested by the contractor, for construction of all design features such as utility infrastructure, roadway infrastructure, CIP Web Girder bridge structure, and pre-cast box girder bridge structure. This project also required an intense monitoring plan of all bridge structures, approaches, and adjacent construction zones.
SR520 Floating Bridge Project (WSDOT)
GCCM: Kiewit/General/Manson
Mr. Gullikson performed as a direct consultant to Kiewit's onsite survey team. He setup and maintained the project control network for all stages of construction. He performed as-build/QC of multiple pontoons and bridge sections, analysis of construction accuracy, dry docking of multiple pontoons for repair, monitoring of bridge locations, and provided survey procedure/method consulting. All work at the landing was performed/managed by Mr. Gullikson including calculations of 3D data from design information, constructability analysis, and provided constructible solutions to design conflicts. He managed 2 field crews under his direct supervision through the completion of this project.
Spokane St/W. Seattle Bridge Widening Project (WSDOT)
Mr. Gullikson managed and executed all aspects of field surveying on this project. He developed 3D data of plan information, QC of plan information, constructability analysis, and provide staking of locations in field. He performed onsite field management of 2 field crews under his direct supervision through the completion of this project.
Washington State Convention Center Addition: Steel Structure Survey and Verification Survey, City of Seattle; American Bridge Company & KWH Constructors
Mr. Gullikson managed the coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of all survey activities associated with the contract scope. Worked directly with the client and engineers to determine the design location of all steel structure components of the work. Created intelligent integrated data reports to support the client obligations to the owner and engineers. Prepare Steel Structure Survey Procedures Manual in compliance with the project specifications and requirements and provide to client to be used for performance and execution of the work.
West Cashmere Bridge Replacement: WSDOT Scarsella Bros, Inc.
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work and actively participates in on-site survey activities to include control verification and establishment, bridge structure survey staking, and civil survey staking. This project consists of a 3 span full width bridge construction over BNSF ROW and waterways, and full section roadway construction.
Totem Lake Connector Bridge: City of Kirkland; Kraemer NA, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work and actively participates in on-site survey activities to include control verification and establishment, bridge structure survey staking. This project consists of a precast Y-Pier and tubular tie-chord strand bridge structure along with other civil and structural design elements.
Index-Galena Flood Repair: Federal Highway Administration; Goodfellow Bros, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work and actively participates in on-site survey activities to include control verification and project limit staking through steep rough-cut terrain, topographic survey and quantity calculations, project/ROW alignment control monumentation installation, civil construction staking, and survey staking for installation of multiple bridge structures and structural wall designs.
Gold Basin Habitat Restoration: Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians; Goodfellow Bros, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work as well as performed all surveying activities. Established project control in remote locations and developed DTM models and data files to support machine control technologies. Perform UA drone survey of 70+ acres of the channel diversion/construction and remediation area. Provide client with as-build data reports and models and work directly with engineers to perform as-build validation of critical design elements.
DSW3 - Burlington: Amazon; Perlo Construction, LLC
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work and actively participates in on-site survey activities to include settlement monitoring, construction staking, boundary and ROW verification, construction as-build survey, and FEMA surveys. This project consists of standup concrete building structure, civil site development, ROW improvements, and infrastructure improvements.
Covington Connector - 204th Ave SE & SR 516: City of Covington; Scarsella Bros, Inc.
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work. This project consists of approximately 1.5 miles of complete ROW & roadway construction to include all civil roadway infrastructure and development.
35th Ave SE - 180th St SE - 152nd St SE (Seattle Hill Road): Snohomish County; Marshbank Construction, Inc.
Mr. Gullikson managed all aspects of coordination, scheduling, contracting, and performance of the work. This project consists of approximately 2.5 miles of ROW & roadway construction to include all civil roadway infrastructure and development.
JBLM - North Access Road Improvements - Phase 1; Pierce County; R.L. Alia Company
Mr. Gullikson was the Professional Land Surveyor and Survey Construction Manager for this project which consisted of approximately 9000' of roadway improvements including water main, storm drainage, multiple roundabouts, curb, sidewalk, electrical, concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, and channelization.